Collaboration settings


Visibility of the Flatplan

The Chief Editor decides who can see the flatplan: only themselves, themselves and their deputies, or everyone.

Manipulation of the Flatplan

By default, the Chief Editor is the only one who can add, delete, or move pages that have been delegated. They can, if they wish, confer this power to their associates. This feature is useful in educational projects involving multiple teachers, each with their students.

Multilateral Collaboration

By default, collaboration is hierarchical: descending and then ascending. For example, the Chief Editor delegates three pages to Associate Editor #1, who then delegates one to Writer #1 and the other two to Writer #2. In this case, the only possible flow for these pages is the reverse, i.e., from the Writers to Associate Editor #1 and from Associate Editor #1 to the Chief Editor.

However, the Chief Editor can allow multilateral collaboration for their associates or for everyone. In this case, the flow of the page is freely decided by the one who controls it. The page can travel in any direction. For example, Associate Editor #1 can delegate pages to Associate Editor #2, or Writer #1 can delegate the page to Writer #2 or to the Chief Editor.

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